It's been around for a while, and it's pretty well known. But here's a quick run through, in case you haven't heard of this.
Short Story: plans the best journey for your needs. All you need to do is key in the start and end point.

Long Story: fills the gap that once was the territory of After that site was disallowed from providing it's travel planning service, we were left hanging.

And it's simple too.

Key in the start and end points

Out comes the instructions

You can choose how you want to travel, by bus only, bus+train, car or taxi. Each provides you with sub options such as the fastest/cheapest route, or if you want to avoid the ERP.

Then you also have a zoom-able map. Just like google's. Cos it's powered by google. Don't forget you can switch to satellite view too. Just note the picture may be a little old and out dated.

Give it a go, I use it for almost all my travel now. There's a mobile version too, so just key into your portable internet device and you'll be able to access it on the move.