What to bring for NS enlistment

What to bring for NS enlistment
Just a quick list of things you’ll find useful. Most things will be provided, or you can struggle by without them. I actually got through my enlistment bringing nothing but 7 pairs of underwear and my handphone.

1) Enlistment Letter & other documents MINDEF sent you.
3) Pens – for taking notes
4) Permanent ink black marker – For labeling your stuff
5) Small lock for cupboard – if you not worried about valuables get the $1 china lock. They are easier to break open in case you lose your key. And that is rather common.
6) Basic Toiletries – you’ll be given some but they are for wayang purposes, to be put on display.
- Toothpaste & brush
- Soap/shower foam & shampoo
- Shaver
- Nail clippers
7) Spare handphone batteries – charges are not allowed
8) Slippers
9) Alarm Clock
10) Cheapo black digital watch
11) Sufficient Underwear
12) Washing powder
13) Clothes hangers & pegs
14) Lighter - even if you don't smoke, you'll need this quite often